Would You Like To Join Our Choir?

We are always on the lookout for new singers in all voices of the choir, just come along to a rehearsal and make yourself known to Adam James Robinson our Musical Director, Eddie Taylor on 01253 729982 or email our Secretary Rachel Bates secretary@lsachoral.org.uk. If, after a couple of weeks you wish to join, Helen will ask you to undergo a short audition in private.

Our rehearsals are normally held on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at The United Reformed Church Hall which is on the corner of St George's Road and Clifton Drive, just behind The Square in St Annes, but while lockdown restrictions are in existence we use Zoom. Rehearsals via Zoom will be starting at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday September 15th.

We have a break from rehearsals in the summer but our Deputy Director, Anne, holds summer sing events which quite a few of us go along to to sing for pleasure and to keep our voices in trim ready for the next Season's concerts.

We want to encourage you to join us and share our enjoyment of making music!

Our Choir

We are a choir of roughly 70 members led by our new musical director Adam James Robinson. We sing a varied repertoire; recent concerts have included works by Handel, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Haydn, Schubert, Dvořák, Verdi, Finzi, Karl Jenkins, Vaughan Williams and John Rutter. We usually perform three concerts per season: in November, a Christmas concert in mid-December and a concert in late April/early May.

Social Events

Our primary aim is to enjoy ourselves while producing good music of a high quality. We hope to engender a friendly atmosphere and, to that end, organise various social events which, in the past, have included an annual dinner, coffee mornings, barbecues and concert and other trips. There is usually an after-concert party, where we bring our own food and drink. Some members visit the local hostelry, The Trawlboat in Wood Street, after rehearsals.

Choir members also sing at extra events such as occasional services at local churches and evensong at Cartmel Priory. In recent seasons our social activities have included parties after each concert, wine-tasting, barbecues and outings to concerts etc .


We expect a 75% attendance at rehearsal, which includes a compulsory attendance on the (usually) Saturday afternoon of the concert.

Members should sign a register sheet each week and bring a pencil (or purchase one at the rehearsal) to make note of comments and guidance from the conductor. We trust that, during the singing part of rehearsals, conversation is kept to a minimum, especially when other ‘voices’ are going through a section.

Fees !

The new annual subs will be £100 per year (£95 if paid before the end of September) but is considerably reduced for under-25s and members who are on benefit or at school. We now have a new option, if you wish to pay in two instalments you may but there won't be any discount. Therefore £50 is to be paid before the end of September and again in January. Members are encouraged to “Gift Aid” their fee so that the choir can reclaim tax on it (there are very few people who do not pay income tax in one form or another). You can download a Gift Aid form by selecting "Forms" from the list at the top of the page.